Family Ministry Center │ Moses The Father of the Exodus



Part Two



Moses lived one hundred and  twenty years (1525-1405 B.C.).  When he died, “his eye was not dim, nor his vigor abated” (Deuteronomy 34:7, page 346).  Originally, the people of Israel fled famine in Canaan and moved to Egypt, and enjoyed the protection of Joseph, a Jew elevated to a high office in the Egyptian kingdom.  The Jews continued to live in Egypt, but long after Joseph died, a new Pharaoh enslaved and persecuted them.  About 1445 B.C., God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery and back to the promised land.  The people of God needed to learn about how to live in obedience and favor with Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses.

Deuteronomy 6:7

“You shall teach them diligently

to your sons and shall talk of

them when you sit in your house

and when you walk by the way

and when you lie down and

when you rise up.”

How To Love GodAs God instructed Moses about having a relationship with the living God, He told Moses that all Israel should know that Yahweh is their only God, and all of them must love Him with all their heart and with all of their soul and with all of their might (Deuteronomy 6:4-5, page 297).  Yahweh then gave Moses a specific command on how to pass the faith from generation to generation.

Five Lessons for Fathers


Lesson One

Children Learn To Love God, or Not,  by Watching Fathers  

Lesson Two

God Commanded Fathers To Command Their Children To Follow Him

Lesson Three

Fathers Teach Always, So Always Be Careful about What You Teach

Lesson Four

Fathers Teach from Their Hearts Directly to the Hearts of Their Children

Lesson Five

Fathers Must Have Absolute Love Joined to Absolute Grace


Teach Your Children. Yahweh commanded the people of Israel to teach His commands.  Fathers must diligently talk of God’s commands to their sons when they sit in their house and when they walk by the way and when they lie down and whey they rise up (Deuteronomy 6:7, page 297).

Teach Them All Day.   The teaching takes place all day, every day, so that the children will be well taught to love Yahweh, known in the New Testament as Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 11:19, page 306; Exodus 3:14, page 91; John 8:58, page 1673).  Furthermore, Yahweh always intended for the children to learn from their parents so that one generation would teach the next (Exodus 12:26-27, page 107–teaching children about the Passover; Exodus 13:8, page 109–teaching children about the Feast of Unleavened bread; Deuteronomy 31:12, page 338–teaching the general assembly, specifically including the children, to hear and obey the  Law).

Fathers Must Discipline.   Fathers must discipline their sons (Deuteronomy 8:5, page300) and the rebellious and disobedient, gluttonous and drunkard sons were to be stoned so that the evil would be removed the midst of Israel and all Israel fear (Deuteronomy 21:18-21, page 321; compare 1 Corinthians 5:9-16–no stoning, but separation; Luke 13:49-53, page 1626).  God gave specific instructions that fathers should not put up with disobedient sons.

So we learn more about fathers and their role in daily devotions.

       ●  Being a father in Christ means that you teach your children to follow God.

       ●  Being a father in Christ means that you teach your children when you rise up, lay down, walk in the way, and sit in your house.

       ●  Being a father in Christ means we discipline your children, and if necessary, and they are adults, implement New Testament principles for dealing with so-called believers who bring shame upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Application for Today

Moses delivered the law of God to the people of Israel.  God drew special attention to the teaching ministry of fathers.  God commanded fathers to teach their children  all the time, every day.  Every father needs the support of the wife and every family member to cooperate with the father in teaching the children.  Are you ready to encourage fathers to teach their children today?  As a father, are you teaching your children today?

Family Ministry Center │ Moses The Father of the Exodus

Expository Studies

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 Family Ministry Basics

Christ Assembly dedicates this website to the Family Ministry Center. Special content on this website focuses upon fathers, mothers, children, families and spiritual life. The family of God relates directly to the kingdom of God. You cannot see the Kingdom of God without being born again. Likewise, you cannot join the family of God without being born again. Many people living in the family of God have severe spiritual challenges in their lives. Adult children who have embraced sin and fallen into a life of sin cause great concern. Spouses who do not believe. All kinds of issues face the family of God. At Christ Assembly, we seek to minister to all families, particularly the family of God. Christ Assembly provides free access to various studies from the Bible, the Word of God.

 Christ Assembly Basics 

Christ Assembly dedicates this website to the Family Ministry Center. Special content on this website focuses upon father, mothers, families and spiritual life. Christ Assembly provides free access to various studies from the Bible, the Word of God. The studies in this website are not inspired, but God produced the Bible, consisting of sixty-nine books (39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament). The Holy Spirit inspired authors to produce original autographs of the Bible in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Those original authors wrote over the course of many centuries. They wrote divinely inspired words and every word was divinely inspired. The authors communicated in their own styles, and with their own vocabulary, but God breathed out every word of the final autographs. The words in the Bible really matter, and deserve careful study. 
As we study, we seek to love Jesus more because His word has instructed us so that we learn His ways. Eternal life consists in knowing God the Father, and Jesus Christ Whom God sent. As the eternal God of Glory, One with His Father, the Son of God took flesh and dwelt among us. Because of His death, He used His blood to purchase our redemption. He was raised for our justification. We now live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved us and gave Himself for us. By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit abides in every born-again believer and fills us with His presence and blessings. He leads us into all truth. Jesus is the truth, and the way, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Jesus, our Lord. 
We look forward to His imminent return to the clouds of earth, to snatch away the believers alive on earth, so that we may be forever with the Lord. When He returns to the clouds, He will bring with Him all those people in Christ who died before His return to the clouds. We encourage one another with the promises of God, Who makes our path grow brighter and brighter, until the full light of day shines forth. We love Jesus and look forward to seeing Him soon. After Jesus removes the believers from the earth, then a terrible period of seven years follows where God brings measured and precise judgments upon the people alive on earth. God cut those days of  Tribulation short, or no flesh would have been saved. Jesus will then return to earth, slay His enemies, and place His feet on the Mount of Olives where He ascended to heaven. He will then reign on earth for a thousand years, and believers will reign with Him. After the Millennial Reign of Christ, all unbelievers will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment, and they will suffer according to their deeds done on earth. They will be cast into the Lake of Fire, a place of torment night and day for eternity, because they never received the free gift of salvation while alive on earth. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God. Today we invite you to come and see Jesus, and learn from Him, for He is gentle and humble in heart. Take His yoke upon you, for His burden is easy and His yoke is light. He will give you rest for your soul as you trust Him. We receive salvation only from Jesus, by faith alone in Jesus, Who gives us the free gift of eternal life. 
We accept the teaching of the Word of God. As born again believers, baptized by Jesus with the Holy Spirit, the anointing from God teaches us all things. We love to study the Word of God as we abide in Christ Jesus our Lord. God blesses all of us when we read His word, hear His word, and heed His word. We share original studies of the Word of God without cost and we do not receive donations. We support the finances of this ministry through private means, so that we are not a burden to anyone. We oppose charging people to read books, articles, journals or other studies of the Word of God. Such work should be supported by donations, but not in prescribed amounts and not as a requirement to gain access to what God has freely provided. What God has freely given, we should freely share. Just as Paul worked making tents, so we work to support this ministry. 

 Christ Assembly License

The author of all original material on this website retains all legal and equitable rights to the properties at issue. The author granted Christ Assembly a limited-use, revocable license to publish material on this website, while reserving all ownership rights to the original author. You may use any original material on this website to the glory of God, but you may not receive anything of value for such use. You may not receive any donations related to any original material on this website. All use of original material on this website is subject to the revocable, limited license above. You must conspicuously indicate on any use of the original material that it originated from  Any revocation of the license shall be posted on this website and all rights to use material may be revoked without prior notice. By copying and using any original material from this website, you consent to such license. Christ Assembly opposes any payment for access to studies, articles, journals, or other publications of studies concerning the Word of God. As God has freely given, so also the products of His grace should be freely shared.